Children's Furniture to Buy 6 Major Considerations

Many people think that the so-called children's furniture is actually a miniature version of adult furniture, and even many children's furniture business has been in the implementation of such production standards. Many parents in the child is very young, casually pick a baby cot, and so big, on the use of adult furniture, thinking and other children grow up do not have to change. However, in fact, adult furniture in the design is not suitable for children. Childhood is the most important stage of growth and development, there is no sense of self-protection. In addition to the supply of food, parents have to consider the factors of furniture. Good children's furniture, is a professional designer based on the characteristics of children to create, they are familiar with children's habits, activities, body structure, they know what kind of bed what kind of table the most suitable for children.


Safety comes from two aspects, one is the furniture materials to environmental protection, not with a variety of harmful substances; the second is the safety of their own furniture.

The first is environmental protection. Speaking of environmental protection, many people can first think of formaldehyde, in the selection of children's furniture can also be noted. Most of the children's furniture products only marked the content of formaldehyde, benzene and heavy metals are not identified, Purchasing Guide and you explain when it is only blindly stressed how low the content of formaldehyde, but for benzene and heavy metal content is not only mention. Therefore, the parents in the purchase of the time must be clear to see carefully, must not listen to Purchasing Guide one-sided words.

Some people say, buy solid wood children's furniture will not exist formaldehyde here. In the eyes of many consumers, there is a solid wood furniture than the concept of environmentally friendly furniture, in fact, this view is not entirely correct. Solid wood furniture need to be clear is all solid wood furniture, or solid wood veneer furniture. If it is not natural solid wood furniture, all solid wood furniture plate will also use the adhesive, there will be the problem of formaldehyde emission, solid wood furniture and wood wood furniture, will also involve formaldehyde emission.

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Second, the safety of the furniture itself is also very important. Children are loving love jumping lively children, running at home jumping is common, things are also reckless, often there will be bumps of things. So be careful when choosing children's furniture.

Selection, should use soft, natural material, such as carpets, wall covering, plastic and so on. And children's furniture lines should be smooth and smooth, with smooth switch and delicate surface treatment, with an acute angle and the surface of the hard and rough furniture should be far away from the child. And children's furniture but also focus on solid, set up a solid and with protective measures for the best.

Color with bright and lively

Childhood is a good time for children to create creativity and character, distinctive colors can attract children's attention and curiosity to stimulate children's creativity, the child's positive and cheerful character is also very good. Studies have shown that the character is more introverted and weak children, it is appropriate to use color contrast strong furniture; character more irritable child, it is appropriate to use soft lines, elegant furnishings. In any case, should not choose the dull dull furniture.

At present, children's furniture color more partial bright, there are many people think that bright, bright colors contribute to the baby to form an optimistic and lively character, therefore, in the purchase of children's furniture, will consciously pick those brightly colored furniture. However, the furniture color comes from the paint, there are institutional tests show that the more bright colors of paint, which contains lead and other heavy metals, which is mainly caused by paint compounds containing lead compounds. Tests show that the 23 lead-containing paint samples, the orange paint the highest lead content, followed by yellow, green, brown and so on. Therefore, parents are best not to choose the color is too bright furniture.

Identify furniture traps

Into the furniture store, children's furniture can be described as dazzling, many brands. However, different furniture stores products, brands are different, the price is different, but as long as a little hard to find, these products self-advertised personality and special children's furniture, as if the twin brothers in general, looks very similar, whether it is style, structure or Most of the styles are the same.

Children 's furniture defects multi - standard lag supervision

Children's immunity, self-protection ability is lower than adults, children and children as a long contact with children's furniture, once the product quality and environmental performance and other aspects of hidden dangers, will undoubtedly evolved into the children's side of the "time bomb" at any time May cause harm to children. On the current domestic children's furniture industry, the overall situation, large and small brands add up to no less than two hundred, but the product is uneven, homogenization of the phenomenon is more serious, environmental protection, security is also widespread defects.

 4, Material selection has to pay attention

Caution glass material

In general, children's furniture is not suitable for the use of ordinary glass material, because the glass is fragile, and the sharp edges and corners formed after fragmentation are likely to cause harm. Remember to read primary school when there was a classmate, because at home playing in the process of accidentally broken home glass coffee table, the thigh was severely scratched. That long scar so I still remember. If you consider the appearance of beauty and other reasons must be transparent material, the designer suggested that the use of tempered glass or organic film instead.

Wooden furniture is popular

This year's natural wave makes wooden furniture popular, experts said that in line with environmental standards of wood furniture is also a good choice for children's furniture. "Mickey World" This year's new series of solid wood is used in the Nordic production of pine as raw materials. Finland is one of the major producers of furniture in the Nordic region. It has the characteristics of good wood stability, physical compression, shear resistance and strong grip on other pine varieties.

It is said that the preferred wood used in the Finnish bath sauna is Finnish pine, which embodies the super adaptability of Finnish pine in different temperature and dry and humid environments. Finnish people have more than 300 years of history of pine processing, pine processing and processing technology ranks first in the world, the process is very mature. Will be the original resin was squeezed pine resin degreasing, drying into high-quality processing materials and maintain a simple pine texture and lifelike texture, pure and bright color. Of course, children with wood furniture surface must be completely polished smooth, no barbs.

 Cloth household items are popular

Now the children have a lot of toys, is not often for the children messy toy headache? Children's room also requires a certain storage function. Cloth storage bags do not have time to stack up, do not take up space, and cleaning up more convenient.

In addition, the cartoon shape of the storage bag can effectively cultivate children take the initiative to clean up the interests and habits of debris, like IKEA has a dragon shape of the wall storage bag to win the children favor. And bedding, experts recommend the use of cotton, because cotton safety and good ventilation, can prevent their delicate skin allergies on the textile products.

5, Listen to the child's own views

Children out of the house is to use their own children, do not think that children do not know anything, to make their own claims. Therefore, we must be more and communicate with children, listen to their ideas and opinions, so with the house will let the children like, is the most suitable for them. Finally, the current market more and more children's furniture, style and materials dazzling, dazzling I do not know how to start. In the decision to buy children's furniture before you must see more, see more material will not be deceived. Purchasing Guide, then only as a reference, anything must have practical data as a basis and reference. So as to buy safe and appropriate children's furniture, give the child a free and healthy growth environment.