8 Major Points How to Buy Safe Deposit Box

In order to protect the safety of property, people need to buy a safe. So how to buy a safe?

1, Size requirements

Before the purchase of the first to determine the size of the safe box, the size of the main consideration to consider two aspects, the first is the size of the items according to the need to measure, in particular, should consider the storage of long, wide and high size and box matching; The second is in line with the needs of the safe installation location, the general installation of the safety deposit box in the wall depth of not more than 20 cm, installed in the depth of the wardrobe does not exceed the depth of the wardrobe (wardrobe depth of 60 cm).

2, Anti-theft performance

Anti-theft performance is an important indicator of the safety of the safe, in addition to the brand's perceptual knowledge, the key parts of the steel plate thickness, material and the choice of locks to be compared, the most direct way is to check the product testing report.

3, Steel plate selection

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The production of the safety box is mainly steel, we can choose from the plate thickness, material and origin to identify. We can also personally test the safety of the steel plate, the purchase may wish to stand up to try its hardness. The choice of this point is very important, because it will be related to the use of electric drill, cutting or saws and other damage tools, the safety of the device capacity.


Locks on the market are mainly mechanical and electronic two. The main feature of the mechanical type is to use the method is more traditional, the average consumer can accept, but the replacement password trouble. Electronic use convenient and flexible, easy to change the password, you can achieve a relatively more functional. It is recommended that you choose this style of insurance locks.

5, Weight

Generally the same type of safe weight will not be too much difference, if the heavy is likely to fill the box with other substances, light that the thickness of the steel plate is not enough, or steel material is poor.

6, The use of habits

The use of the habit of relying mainly on the consumer is the choice of the lock, the market safe is mainly mechanical and electronic lock. The main feature of the mechanical type is the use of traditional methods, the general consumer easy to accept, but the password replacement difficult. Electronic password replacement more convenient, can achieve more features, the current market favored a higher degree.

7, After-sales service

After-sales service is to ensure the normal use of the product protection. Safe service is currently largely dependent on the local vendors, whether to provide quality services mainly through the brand's perceptual knowledge, the brand sales network coverage, 800 free hotline, follow-up service commitment, the purchase process Performance behavior can see the quality of after-sales service.

8, Product cost

Determine the safe price is not the price but the value, the key is the brand, a good brand itself has been accompanied by quality products and good service. Of course, the use of comparative method is also a way to select their own relatively satisfied with the product compared to other brands of price differences between the part of a measure. However, the price difference is not the case or choose a high security products are more reasonable.