What is the rice pot?

Market rice cooker liner is divided into pottery liner, space black crystal liner, black crystal gather thick, etc., liner is environmentally friendly, safe, directly related to whether the food is healthy. On the rice cooker liner problem, perhaps everyone in daily life and will not pay attention to, in fact, rice cooker liner material directly affects the release of its material and heat accumulation. What kind of rice cooker is so healthy and healthy?

Rice cooker interior material classification

One, aluminum liner

Aluminum thermal conductivity uniform, easy to shape, more beautiful, with other metal or alloy compound. Is the main material of the mid-range pot. But the aluminum liner can not be directly and food contact, must be carried out a surface protection treatment. Aluminum liner manufacturing used to make it thinning and stretching technology, this technology to the pot and the bottom of the pot to maintain a certain thickness, which can save material, and the liner will appear to be thicker some.

Second, the bucket of the buzzword "thick kettle"

"Thick kettle" liner, refers to the bottom of the pot, the pot wall with thick metal material made of the liner. Because the food is transmitted by the heat inside, under certain conditions, the heat transfer and heat transfer area is proportional to the effect of the inner heat transfer and the thickness of the liner is proportional to. Only when the thickness of the liner to 3-4mm, in order to fully meet the cooking food required for the heat transfer channel, to meet the bell Ming Ding home "rice fragrance" and "Ding food" effect. If the thickness of the liner did not reach 3-4mm can not be called the real "thick kettle."

Third, the bladder of the popular word "honeycomb"

The honeycomb liner refers to the design of the thermocoat in the honeycomb, which is designed to make the heat convection more adequate and more energy efficient than the traditional flat liner.

Four, stainless steel liner

The best stainless steel liner is made of 304 plate made of 304 stainless steel with excellent corrosion resistance and good resistance to intergranular corrosion. General 4L of the liner with about 0.5 of the plate, 5L, 6L liner with 0.8 or so plate. Slightly less than a stainless steel liner will use 202 plate processing, 202 plate rust resistance than the 304 plate will be slightly worse. More low-end stainless steel liner with 201 plate to produce. As the current domestic procurement of 201 stainless steel to its harmful metal dissolution is generally difficult to meet the national standards for stainless steel utensils containers, so the price is very low stainless steel liner rice cooker must be carefully selected.

Five, the bladder pop words "complex"

As the thermal conductivity of stainless steel is poor, in order to make up for this deficiency, must be laid in the bottom of a layer of hot aluminum layer, and then covered with a layer of stainless steel surface layer, the use of this treatment is usually called " bottom".

Six, ceramic liner

Purple sand under the pottery, is a safe inorganic material. Purple made of the liner, rich in natural iron and beneficial human health of zinc, calcium and other trace elements, cooking food taste good, and the surface super hard wear, acid and corrosion and strong, Good and so on.

What is the rice pot?

1, Now on the market a lot of general aluminum alloy liner of the rice cooker, the thickness of the liner are generally 1.2 mm below the surface treatment technology used more common non-stick coating. In fact, this liner is generally the beginning of the time will be very effective, no pan, not sticky pot, but after a long period of high temperature, it is easy to deformation, and the surface of the non-stick coating after a long brush It is easy to fall off, more serious is that these off the coating and coating off after exposure to the aluminum layer is easy to dopant into the food, harmful to human health!

2, Another market is more common is the use of stainless steel liner rice cooker, the price is more expensive than the aluminum alloy liner. Stainless steel rice cooker do not have to worry about non-stick coating off the problem, but the stainless steel liner cleaning is indeed more trouble, often after cooking left the pot is difficult to remove.

3, For the above two kinds of the United States introduced the black crystal liner rice cooker, the use of the thickness of 2 mm alloy aluminum, and the use of aerospace technology oxidation process, not only to a higher strength, wear resistance are not sticky While the Supor is the introduction of pottery liner rice cooker, the ceramic mature technology applied to the rice cooker liner, the traditional chemical surface treatment process to "natural" surface treatment, this natural inorganic completely avoid the paint and Metal liner in the cooking process for a long time the second pollution. Many consumers in the purchase of a new rice cooker, but also tend to be more inclined to use this new technology rice cooker. But the price will be more expensive than the first two!

Through the above description, the general people of their own quality of life are required to compare the high, ceramic liner and black crystal liner rice cooker is a good choice. And if you are very experienced for cooking, the basic will not be cooked in the liner on the liner left, the stainless steel liner of the rice cooker you will be more relaxed to use.