An important factor in the purchase of UAVs

UAVs now seem to have become a new favorite, but also professional and amateur film production / photography has had a revolutionary impact. Although many unmanned aerial vehicles are equipped with a high degree of automation technology, but it is still difficult to control it or even dangerous things. And taking into account their expensive price, we in the selection and use of natural need to pay special attention. If you are interested in buying an unmanned aerial vehicle, or want to know how to play the biggest potential of UAV, this article contains everything you need to know.

The basic principle

1. understand your limits. If the control is not correct, all kinds of accidents may occur in your UAV body, such as falling at high altitude, hit the obstacles, fall into the water or the connection can no longer be found. So novice in the control of unmanned aircraft need to keep in mind the following three points: Do not fly too high, too far and too fast, unless you know what they are doing. In the selection of unmanned aerial vehicles, the safety function is also need to consider the focus, such as automatic return and pause (stay in the air standby).

2. Consider the camera and universal joints. In the image shooting, the UAV is divided into two categories. A class of built-in vendor-specific shooting system, the other allows users to install a camera, such as GoPro. These two categories each have their own characteristics, the former allows users to view the picture in real time, while the latter not only provides a higher degree of flexibility in the future to upgrade more convenient, while lower cost. More importantly, there is no one built-in camera UAV in the image quality can be more than a GoPro.

High-end unmanned aerial vehicles are generally with a powerful universal joint, they are used to fix the camera at the bottom of the fuselage. Compared with the fixed angle of the head, universal joints can significantly improve the stability of the screen, so as to avoid strong winds or unskilled image quality. UAV has been able to shoot a very smooth video and fiber cents is still static photos, universal joint is the key.

3. Understand the flight characteristics and functions. The speed, direction and height of the UAVs are controlled by four fixed-angle rotors (the 6 or 8 rotor models also exist), unlike the remote control or helicopter. The computer in the equipment is responsible for adjusting the rotational speed and angle of the rotor to achieve flight control.

Today's new generation of unmanned aerial vehicles are mostly supported by GPS to achieve the waypoint planning, follow the function and other programmable features. They can follow the planned route exactly as if they were fixed on the track. With the help of security features, they can also return to the GPS marker's starting point, keep the wind in the windy day, avoid the no-fly zone, or monitor the remaining power to ensure that they can return smoothly, rather than fall to the ground or river in.

4. pay attention to others safe. UAV is a dangerous device. Although they are not large, but the four electric motor power, plastic rotor speed is very fast, it is easy to hurt. Compared to falling from the sky to hit the rare probability of the person, the controller should pay attention not to misuse it to hit other people or items.

5. Practice with cheap products. The quality of the general UAV price of most $ 400, the better even more than 1,000 US dollars, so you'd better master the basic flight skills to buy

In the beginner how to control the UAV when you have to slow down the speed carefully try and focus on up and down, before and after and around the basic direction of training. It should be noted that when the orientation of the UAV changes, the direction control will be reversed accordingly, so you'd better keep it in the same direction as you want to avoid confounding direction control. In addition, you also need to keep the UAV in sight, do not let it fly too high. If it disappears from your line of sight, even if only a few seconds, there will be the risk of flying lost.