How to Choose the TV Cabinet Pick?

Everyone felt that their homes do not have to buy TV cabinets, because the TV cabinet area is relatively large, have to consider the TV cabinet style, the main or the selection of trouble. Although the words are so to say, but each thing has its own place to stay, and the TV cabinet of the place to stay, of course, the TV cabinet.

In order to better place the TV, many people will use TV cabinets at home, and now, the market is also a variety of TV cabinets, which also makes a lot of people have tinkered with the eyes, then, choose the TV cabinet methods are what The Today Xiaobian for everyone to be an introduction, hoping to help you buy suitable for us to use the TV cabinet.

TV cabinet how to choose - TV cabinet to pay attention to the choice of material

Choose the TV cabinet, the material is very important, there are solid wood, solid wood particle board, glass, and so several materials, each kind of material gives the overall feeling is not the same, and material and TV cabinet style also has great Relationship, in the choice of material, one is to coffee table, sofa and other matching, the other is to pay attention to the weight of these materials. We all know that electrical appliances are to heat, so the TV cabinet material is to heat is better. This can be a good extension of the TV cabinet life. Generally solid wood-based. The main purpose of the TV cabinet is to place the TV, so be able to load is the most basic premise.

TV cabinet how to choose - TV cabinet to pay attention to the choice of style

TV cabinet style may be more important, it is the overall effect of home decoration is a very important part of the choice of style, one is to look at their own preferences, the other is to see their own decoration style. For example, modern simple style is not suitable for the choice of European TV cabinets, not suitable for the choice of pastoral style TV cabinet, but to choose those with fashion personality characteristics of the TV cabinet.
TV cabinet how to choose - TV cabinet to pay attention to a high degree of choice

For those who have had experience in decoration, the height of the TV cabinet is very important, because it is related to people watching TV when the visual experience, so choose TV cabinet, we must pay attention to the height of the TV cabinet, this should be based on the height of the sofa and television The height of the machine to draw line measurement, has chosen the best height. TV cabinet size to be based on the size of the room to choose, but also according to personal preferences, and other furniture with style. General TV cabinets need to be two thirds longer than television, with a height of between 40 centimeters and sixty centimeters. We need to grasp the height of the TV cabinet just fell on the TV screen center.

The size of the TV determines the height of the TV cabinet

First of all, we should note that, according to the living room TV cabinet above the TV, the specific size is how much weight, whether with the entire TV cabinet design match, so we should choose according to the size of the TV a height of the appropriate size of the TV, Select the type of TV cabinet.

The height of the sofa determines the height of the TV cabinet

In addition to the size of the TV this factor, the cabinet height is one of the important factors. We are watching TV when the place is mainly sitting on the sofa, of course, there will be other, but we are now on the sofa, for example, the sofa in addition to the whole living room style, the sofa size is determined the height of the TV cabinet, the general situation Want to keep the height of the sofa and the height of the TV cabinet at a level so that we can get the most enjoyment while watching TV, not the back and the neck.

The age structure of family members is also a factor that affects the height of the TV cabinet

In addition to these two points, but also need to take into account the composition of the family staff, the home will have more than, so comfort is not just a personal. So choose the sofa not too high.